The TEDxEcublens conference, Expansion and Evolution, was one of the most long-awaited events of this October. The team and the speakers were bursting in excitement to finally share all the amazing ideas and the magic that TEDx has to offer. Here is a recap of how the evening went.

During the first talk of the evening, Eline Van der Beek, head of Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences at EPFL, educated us on nutrition and the vital role it plays in disease prevention. In a very didactic and compelling way, she made us understand how the parent’s health and habits, as well as the nutrition the child receives during their first 1000 days of heavily influence the probability of developing chronic diseases and has a life-long impact.

Connecting with the previous talk, after Eline, Matteo Pariset, a computer science student who is passionate about fake news and their detrimental impact on society, came on stage to present his concerns about the current about today’s the audience on the importance of a good “news diet”.

After Matteo, was Dr. Chan Cao. Her talk about her research on how DNA Nanostructures could be used as a new way of storing digital data was thrilling and confronted the public with a new and revolutionary way of treating nature and biology.

Following Chan Cao was Kees van der Pols. With lots of humor, he presented the groundbreaking concept behind the company ClearSpace, and what series of events brought to light the urgency of taking care of space debris to improve the sustainability and safety of space missions.
After a thrilling first series of talks, all the attendees enjoyed a much-needed dinner break, with a delicious cocktail dinner and the opportunity to network and talk to the speakers, who kindly answered everyone’s questions.

Before starting the last session of the conference, audience members attended a stunning performance by Lucie Chollet et Romane Picheral, a talented duo of clarinet and cello players who captivated the public with their experimental music sounds.

The session was opened by Alexandre Alahi, who works with Computer Vision and Machine Learning to improve self-driving transportation systems, such as self-driving cars. His talk was clear and informing about the many challenges these technologies must face in order to evolve into a safe reality, and how far they’ve come until today.

Next was Hai Nhu Pham, who gave a captivating reflection on the struggles of finding one’s identity growing up in an intercultural environment, far away from her country of origin. She made us reflect about what feeling at home and feeling foreign in a place means, and how this perception changes during our lives, ending with the evolution of our global identity.

Last but not least, Saype was there to end the evening with a moving and hopeful talk about his artistic project, Human Chain, which showcases the power of human connections to expand beyond frontiers
And with that we wrapped up this year's event. Thank you to everyone who made this possible, and we hope to see you in our next event!
